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Spotlight: Donald R. Looney Jr.

We are proud to spotlight Committeeman Donald R. Looney Jr. this week as our Committee-person Spotlight! Donald is a dedicated fighter of equity in education, access to public education, worker's rights, and a better future for our state and country.

We are incredibly proud to have Donald as our Committeeman representing Wentzville on the St. Charles County Democratic Central Committee, serving in a multitude of capacities. Read below for some words for Donald himself:

"Hello, I am Donald Looney. I currently serve as the Wentzville Township Committeeman and I also represent the 2nd Congressional District in the State Party. I am proud dues paying member of UAW Local 2250 where I currently serve as the Co-Chair of our Legislative Committee. My favorite titles are that of husband and father of four.

I am an advocate for free public education, labor and universal healthcare because these issues intersect with civil, human, and worker’s rights. I am always looking for ways to get young voters to engage in the democratic process so we can protect the future of Missouri and the many enumerated rights given by the Constitution of the United States." - Committeeman Donald R. Looney Jr.

Thank you Donald for everything you do in our county, and beyond. If you would like to join Donald in building a better future for Missouri, please consider donating or registering to volunteer today.

Connect with Donald:

Email — Facebook — Twitter — Instagram — TikTok


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