We are so proud to highlight Cheryl Hibbeler, Committeewoman for the St. Charles County Democratic Central Committee, staunch advocate, St. Charles County native and so much more!
From Cheryl:
"I am 7th Gen St Charles Co. After my sons were grown, I became more involved in local politics served for five and a half years as an O'Fallon Alderman and then 5 years on the County Council. I've been an advocate and volunteer for many good citizen candidates for the last 23 years.
I am most proud of my lobbying work for MO Health Care for All and Mom's Demand Action along with the 8 years of service on the MO Community Service Commission and the Missouri Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. After 6 years as parliamentarian for the Central Committee, I have served for the last ten years as township committeewoman and data manager. Retirement allows me so much more time to continue the work of organizing, preparing candidates, knocking on doors and creating social media to elect honest and dedicated elected officials. "
Cheryl Hibbeler is an extremely valued member of St. Charles County and the Central Committee, known for her data skills, sense of humor, and willingness to help and mentor new people. Thank you Cheryl for everything you do, we are so glad you are in our county!